Hair Maintenance

- Planning to wash your bundles after receiving your Hair-N-Paris order? For the best results condition the bundles first and allow the conditioner to sit for about 5 minutes, rinse and then continue with regular wash routine.
- Brush hair before bed and before washing to ensure there are no natural occurring tangles caused by wind or friction.
- Do not brush wet hair as that is when hair follicles are at their most vulnerable. If you must brush your hair while wet, ensure to brush while conditioner is applied.
- Use an organic and sulfate free shampoo. Sulfate strips hair of natural oils, as there is no direct supply of nutrients from your scalp into the extension strands. It's vital that you use a sulfate-free shampoo to avoid drying the hair out.
- To avoid damaging the hair extensions, the cuticles, and your scalp, only wash the bundles with warm water.
- Wash the hair gently in a downward motion with your palms, do not scrub or bunch the hair together as this will cause open cuticles to rub against each other causing friction.
- Rinse between each wash, and wash only 1-2 times.
- While wet, add 2-3 drops of a natural oil such as Almond or Coconut oil by gently applying it evenly over the hair, these oils will penetrate the cuticles and add moisture to hair extensions.
- Natural oils do the work of most conditioners without the added chemicals and silicones, natural is always best.
- Finally, lower the shower head and rinse your hair (not scalp) with cold water, this is known as an Arctic Rinse it will close the cuticles to lock the moisture and nutrients from the oil in, leaving you with nutrient rich hair extensions.
- Let your hair air-dry at home, take 2-3 hours to wash and naturally dry your hair - Do not use heat as this will swell and dry your strands.
- Apply a small amount of Argan, Almond or Coconut oil 2-3 times a week or when required. Argan oil is a great finishing oil for styling and frizz, however, it's a dry oil and does not moisturize the hair as well as Almond or Coconut oil.
- For long lasting hair extensions, moisturize your hair as you do your skin.
Why do some hair extensions become dry after the first few washes?
The simple answer is the use of chemicals, heat, and lack of moisture. We eat food to feed our bodies with nutrients which eventually makes their way through our system to feed our skin and hair. We cannot feed hair extensions in the same way so we need to use alternative methods.
Use organic and sulfate free shampoo's to regularly feed, moisturize and treat your hair extensions. Remember, colored hair goes through a chemical process, especially when lightened to blondes and special colors, this is unavoidable to achieve the colors we all desire. A little moisturizing oil (we prefer Almond) each week is key.
Avoid shampoo and conditioning products which use Sulfates, Isopropyl Alcohol, Formaldehyde and Propylene Glycol, these are strong chemicals which will strip the hair of natural oils and leave them dry and sometimes damaged if used for a prolonged period of time. Most sulfate shampoo's and conditioners contain silicones, this is what gives your hair or real human hair extensions that shiny glossy look once washed if you prefer that finish there are non-sulfate shampoos available which combat the sulfate cleansing elements with nutrient rich and essential oils such as