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The #1 Virgin Human Hair Company

15 Sep '18

How To Cure An Itchy Scalp While Wearing A Sew-In


Do you find yourself with a plastic fork or the end of a rattail comb scratching away at the braids under your sew-in? Drop the fork, and walk away. You may be causing more harm to your already irritated scalp. Don’t scratch with anything that will irritate your scalp more than it already is. With every harsh scratch, your scalp can get scabs causing damage and hair loss. The irritation or itch occurs because you generally don’t wash your hair as much while wearing weave or extensions. It might seem as if your scalp itches more than usual a week or so after adding hair extensions. Here is a harmless way to soothe your irritated or itchy scalp quickly, without disrupting your braids. Using a clean bottle with a nozzle attachment apply liquid hair oil directly to your scalp or try Dark n Lovely's scalp soother. It is also good to apply oil to your braids after washing and drying your hair. If you have questions or would like me to blog about a hair issue you are currently having, please leave your questions in the contact form on hairnparis.com

13 Dec '16

3 Common Sew-in Mistakes “EVERYONE” should know

Hey my beautiful weave wearers! It’s been a while since my last blog, so l wanted to make sure I blogged about something that a lot of people are asking about. What are common sew-in mistakes?? I know that if your reading this blog, you want to gain information. So… I will keep this short and sweat as always. Remember if you have any questions or would like to me blog about a certain topic please comment below or visit hairnparis.com for other blogs topics. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope this information is helpful.

First common mistake is that braid must be tight to last longer. Normally when most people have a sew-in done, the nature hair is braided. It is VERY important to notify the hair braider or your stylist of your braids being too tight. If your braids are uncomfortably tight before any weave has been installed / sown in, then the pain after installation is going to be much worse. Once the installation of the hair weave begins and the thread used during the installation of the sew-in is pulled through/underneath the braids, chances are there will be more tightening and much more pain. I know that most people fear rocking the boat and feel that the tighter the hair is the longer it will last. SO NOT TRUE!!!!! Yes, everyone wants their sew-in to be flawless, but not at the risk of your edges. This is one of the main reason that a lot of people loss the edges of the hair and have painful scabs on the scalp which causes the hair to break off. So to avoid any unwanted issues, just ensure your braids are comfortable before the installation process begins.


Second common mistake is the use of glue on a frontal or closure during a sew-in. Using glue on a frontal is a common mistake made by a lot of hair stylist. If you purchased a closure, full frontal, or even a 360 frontal to be installed during a sew-in, ensure that your hair stylist knows how to install it correctly. When you schedule your appointment with your stylist be clear of what type of hair you have purchased and what you want done. Ask questions about the installation. Let your stylist know that you have a closure / frontal. Ask your stylist if they use glue to install the frontal. If the answer is, yes. You have two options. Find another hair stylist that can install a frontal without glue or take your chances.  The reason you do not add glue to a frontal is the glue is always going to have to be reapplied. The glue down method last for about a week and looks horrible once the frontal is no longer glued down. The correct way to apply a frontal or closure is to sew it down, it last longer and looks nature. We all want to get our money’s worth and the sew down method will last about two months or longer depending on how fast your hair grows.


Third common mistake made is using grease on your weave. If you’re that lady that loves Blue Magic, please hear me out. Weave is not supposed to be weighted down or greasy. I would even say stop using grease on your nature hair. If you are a person that deals with dry hair, then please read my blog about the L.O.C moisturizing method. I will always say NEVER apply grease to your weave, but if you absolutely must go for a light weight natural oil or light weight hair sheen. Remember you only need a very small amount. If you purchased low grade hair bundles and dealing with a lot of tangling and matting, then applying a small about of oil or sheen will help. For more information about the hair grading system see my blog.

LOC Moisturizing Method - https://hairnparis.com/blogs/news/181429831-moisturizing-using-the-l-o-c-method

Hair Grading System -  https://hairnparis.com/blogs/news/difference-between-hair-grades-5a-6a-7a-and-8a

31 Oct '16

Hair-N-Paris Products and Reviews

Hair-N-Paris offers 100 percent unprocessed, virgin hair. Our products comes in many different textures such as Malaysian, Peruvian, and Brazilian. We offer 6A to 8A grade hair in a wide range of lengths and styles. To learn more about the hair grade system, see our previous blogs. We provide shed and tangle free unprocessed virgin hair. However, due to high demand we have added Ombre hair to our store. We offer free fast shipping for all customers. All orders are delivered free of charge in 3 to 7 business days. Hair-N-Paris ensures our customers are receiving high quality virgin hair at a great price. I have attached a picture of what our product looks like before we add the logo tags and packaging. This blog is also being posted to encourage customer who have purchased from us to please leave a review. I take all customer concerns seriously and will attempt to address and correct any issues. So... please feel free to leave a review or ask any question. I will respond to any and all question or concerns. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog to better get to know Hair-N-Paris. If you have not yet placed your first order and are still unsure of our company, I would love to help.  "New Customers" enter coupon code Newbie for 20% off and free shipping.

10 May '16

Drying Your Weave / Braids Underneath your Weave #Weave 101

Drying Your Weave / Braids Underneath your Weave #Weave 101


I’ve covered how to wash your weave and braids underneath in a previous blog, if you have any questions contact through my contact form on Hairnparis.com. If you take anything from this, make sure you focus on the braids underneath your weave and your weave is perfectly fine air drying. First, and for most, dry your hair completely when wearing a weave after washing it. When you wash your hair and your braids get wet underneath, if your braids do not dry completely, your hair will begin to have a mildew like smell. Ladies, this is not a good look. You cannot have your hair blowing in the wind smelling like mildew. Sitting under a dryer and letting your hair completely dry will combat that scary smell. Like most people who wash their weave, but who cannot afford to see your hair stylist every week or bi-weekly, please follow this steps.

  • Detangle your hair / weave using your fingers or large detangling brush (avoid harshly pulling on your wet hair)
  • Using your fingers part your weave following along the track, starting at the lower back of your head.
  • Using a hand held blow dryer, but not touching the dryer directly to your hair. Blow directing the heat towards your braids / track.
  • Complete these steps until you have dried your braids.