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The #1 Virgin Human Hair Company

10 May '16

Drying Your Weave / Braids Underneath your Weave #Weave 101

Drying Your Weave / Braids Underneath your Weave #Weave 101


I’ve covered how to wash your weave and braids underneath in a previous blog, if you have any questions contact through my contact form on Hairnparis.com. If you take anything from this, make sure you focus on the braids underneath your weave and your weave is perfectly fine air drying. First, and for most, dry your hair completely when wearing a weave after washing it. When you wash your hair and your braids get wet underneath, if your braids do not dry completely, your hair will begin to have a mildew like smell. Ladies, this is not a good look. You cannot have your hair blowing in the wind smelling like mildew. Sitting under a dryer and letting your hair completely dry will combat that scary smell. Like most people who wash their weave, but who cannot afford to see your hair stylist every week or bi-weekly, please follow this steps.

  • Detangle your hair / weave using your fingers or large detangling brush (avoid harshly pulling on your wet hair)
  • Using your fingers part your weave following along the track, starting at the lower back of your head.
  • Using a hand held blow dryer, but not touching the dryer directly to your hair. Blow directing the heat towards your braids / track.
  • Complete these steps until you have dried your braids.
13 Apr '16

Washing Your Extensions and Your Hair

Posted by Paris Evans in Blog, Sew-In, Washing Extension, Weave, Weave 101

While wearing a weave you can’t wash your hair like you normally do. You want to ensure that you care for your extensions as well as your natural hair. First, we will cover washing the braids under which the weave is sewn to. Washing your natural hair while wearing weave is easier if you use a bottle with a nozzle attachment. Add your favorite sulfate-free shampoo and mix with water, you could also do this with conditioner as well. With the nozzle attached to a bottle you can get the shampoo mix into all the different crevices and in-between your braids. After applying the solution to your braids that are under the sew-in, lightly massage your scalp with your fingertips. Rinse and repeat at least twice. Okay! Know that you’ve washed your braids, time to focus on your extensions. Rather you have your weave parted in four section, 2 section, or not parted at all. It is very important that you apply your shampoo and smooth in one direction. A downward motion is best. Never do a front to back, back and forth motion, this causes extreme tangling. Rinse using the same downward motion.

11 Apr '16

Combing & Detangling Your Hair Weave / Extensions

Posted by Paris Evans in Blog, Combing Weave, How to, Maintaining Weave

Combing and detangling your weave is all in the technique. Never rip your comb through your weave, this form of detangling is asking for trouble. It is good to remember that the tracks are sewn onto your hair and being rough could damage your natural hair. The more you pull and tug through the extensions, the more you can damage your hair. Pain while combing or detangling is never a good since. It would be terrible if your hair was to fall out from tugging on the extensions. Although it is rear for a person to go completely bold from managing a weave improperly, it is much more common for a person to remove the weave and the frontal edges of their hair along with the removal of the weave. Just how you would begin to detangle or comb your own hair, always detangle from the bottom up and preferably while wet. Synthetic weaves can get tangled badly, so it is best to go with human virgin hair.

31 Mar '16

Picking Your Extensions / Weave

The most important thing about picking your extension or weave, starts with the selection. If you’re a weave newbie, you will want to go for a texture that mimics your own hair. It will make adjusting to your new style easier. Also, you will want to go with extensions that last a minimum of six week (hint virgin hair). To avoid scalp irritation, tangling, and shedding 100% virgin human hair is your best bet. Make sure you pick great quality hair that can give you the results you’re looking for. Buying high quality hair is an investment, a very stylish investment. Good Luck and enjoy your new weave!

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